Dragons are Forever Page 3
"Well, as long as you're sure." He paused, continuing to look uncertain before shaking his head once, like he'd decided something. "Can I ask you something?"
When Mai nodded slowly, he continued.
"I know that you probably aren't ready to move in together yet, with your upbringing and all, but I don't want to be engaged for long. I love you, Mai, so much, and I want to get married as soon as possible. I know it's fast, but I'd like you to come with me to meet my family in Norway."
Mai stepped back, still holding his arm, but out of his embrace, needing some space to think.
"Wow, I didn't see that coming, although I guess it makes sense. Well, of course I want to meet your family. When were you thinking?"
This time it was Jake that moved, beginning to pace back and forth in the kitchen, fluffing his hair absently as he scratched the back of his head.
"Well, I was kind of thinking we could go on Monday? Shooting is over for the month and I want to get started on my life with you. Would you be ready to travel by then?"
Mai blinked then dropped down into a chair at the kitchen table. She'd thought things were moving fast before, but this put a whole new spin on the term fast.
"I...guess I could be, sure. It's not like I don't want to meet them or get started on our lives together." She looked up, this time speaking with more determination. "Let's do it. Let's go to Norway on Monday."
Mai faltered after saying the destination, now feeling confused.
"But how are we supposed to arrange a trip to Norway over the weekend? Don't we need, like a passport, or visa, or something?"
Jake scuffed his toe on his jeans, before he looked at her shyly.
"I was thinking we could maybe swim there? It would be fun to travel in our true forms. We can just pack a few things in a waterproof bag and buy anything else we need when we get to my parents. If that's okay with you?"
Mai felt a bubble of excitement begin to rise.
"I'd love that! It would be a long trip, but the idea of taking a month off to visit and be ourselves is really appealing. Let's do it!"
Jake beamed in relief before picking her up and spinning her around. Cat backed up against the counter, laughing at him.
"Woah there, buddy! This is a small kitchen. Take your crazy lover's antics elsewhere please."
Jake stopped spinning Mai and shrugged an apology.
"Sorry, just got excited there for a moment. I'm going to go get my stuff ready and let Dustin know I'll be away for awhile. Pack whatever you think you'll need for the trip, just remember that you have to carry it."
Mai nodded, tilting her head up to his. "See you later?"
Jake gave her a kiss. "Always. I'll call you later and we can figure out the rest of the details. I love you."
Mai smiled. "I love you too."
They hugged once more, before Jake left the two girls alone in the kitchen.
Cat arched an eyebrow. "Norway, hey? That's pretty incredible. It's a pretty big deal to meet his parents, especially halfway around the world."
Mai felt her chest tighten, as Cat spoke the dreaded words out loud.
"Oh, God," she said. "You're right. What was I thinking? At least if they came here, I'd be on my own ground. What if they hate me?"
Mai looked at Cat with desperation. "What if I hate them?"
Cat burst out laughing. "Oh, Mai. Of course they won't hate you. I don't think I've met anyone who's ever hated you. You're kind of the nicest person alive. Not to mention, I don't think anyone related to Jake would be someone you'd hate. He's the nicest guy I've ever met."
Cat gave her a chiding look. "Try not to worry and just be yourself. This will be totally great."
Mai nodded at Cat's words, trying to take them to heart, but still felt uneasy. In her time, mothers' opinions were very important and a mother-in-law that hated you could make your life hell. She hoped Cat was right.
Shortly after Jake left, Mai went to her room to pack the bare minimum of items she thought would be necessary, but found it difficult. What did you pack to meet your soon-to-be-husband's entire family, in a northern country in the fall? Sweaters? Nice clothes? Gifts? She stood in front of her closet for several minutes before mentally shrugging. I should be myself, like Cat said. And that meant jeans and t-shirts and definitely sweaters if it was cold. She managed to fit everything into a sturdy waterproof backpack she thought she could still wear as a dragon, then Mai went out to find Cat and Vanessa to discuss the trip. She found them sitting in front of the TV watching Netflix, but she knew they'd been discussing her and Jake by the guilty looks the sisters exchanged.
Mai sat down beside Vanessa.
"So, what's the plan? Cat says you guys are going to leave Monday?" Vanessa turned the TV to a music channel and faced Mai, looking curious and strangely resigned.
"Yes, I guess so. I'm excited, but things are going pretty fast right now, so I don't really know what the entire plan is. I guess I'll try to make sure my bag is really waterproof. Then it sounds like we'll hit the coast and swim to Norway. I'm guessing through the northern passage to save time."
Cat shuddered. As a creature of the fire element, she wasn't fond of anything even remotely connected to winter or cold weather.
"That sounds horrible!" Cat muttered, causing Mai to smile.
"Yes, I guess it would sound awful to a phoenix, but I'm rather more insulated as a dragon. I don't really notice the cold in that form. I figure it'll take a few days to get there, then the part that I'm actually afraid of will start."
Vanessa nodded wisely. "Meeting the in-laws."
Mai sighed, dropping her shoulders glumly. "I haven't had family in so long that I'm not really sure what to expect. I mean, what if I horribly embarrass myself? What if they hate me? What's a Norwegian Mother-in-law like? I know that traditional Chinese ones can be difficult, but I know almost nothing about Jake's people. I mean, he's told me a few things, and I know he was raised knowing all about his dragon heritage, but it's not really something we got into too deeply,"
Mai smiled ruefully. "I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but he's not always the chattiest of guys."
Cat and Vanessa both snorted.
"I had no idea," Vanessa drawled, sarcastically. "Changing subjects though, do you think that you'll be back anytime soon? I mean, not to push you out or anything, but if you're going to be away for like a month, can we just leave the rooms the way they are for now? I mean, if I don't have to share with Cat, I'm totally cool with that."
Mai thought briefly before answering. "Oh, of course! Don't worry about that. Keep your things in your room and Cat can just use mine. We can figure that stuff out when I get back."
Cat smiled in relief. "Cool. I was sort of hoping you'd say that. Not that we won't miss you!" Cat rushed to add, looking stricken.
Mai laughed. "I know what you mean, don't worry. There are going to be big changes in my life over the next little while, so you guys do what you need to and I'll let you know what I'm doing as soon as I know, okay?"
Vanessa and Cat both nodded.
MONDAY CAME QUICKLY, following a whirlwind of getting all the last-minute details arranged. Mai had to make sure she wasn't forgetting to tie up loose ends at work, bring the required identification papers, just in case they were needed, and make sure her bag was completely waterproof. Each was a small thing, but could turn into a big problem if it was neglected. She also spent time with her friends, catching up and saying goodbye to everyone. Jake was around most of the time, but he also had his own details to sort out. Dustin was okay with the situation, but had already been resigned to the fact that he'd be losing his roommate sooner or later anyways with the change in marriage status. Jake had given him his blessing to get a new roommate, if the right one came along.
Work had been a little more difficult, in the sense that it was possible that they wouldn't have jobs to come back to if they stayed away too long. Out of sight, ou
t of mind in the film industry, after all. It wasn't a big deal to Jake, as he'd never cared about being famous, but it did bother Mai. Money was important to live on and if neither of them had a steady job, she was nervous about what they'd do for cash when they came back. Jake tried to reassure her, reminding her that they had other options and didn't need much money to live. Vanessa had chimed in as well, reminding Mai that they could always crash with them if needed until something turned up. Slightly reassured, Mai had taken a few deep breaths and tried not to think about it. After all, they'd be away for a month, maybe a little more, so it wasn't something that she needed to worry about now. She could figure it out closer to when they got back, if they didn't have anything else by then.
The day dawned misty and grey, as it so often did next to their part of the Pacific Ocean. Vanessa and Cat had driven Mai and Jake to the park by the bridge, so they didn't have to carry their bags the few extra blocks. Mai looked around the familiar area and felt her heart squeeze. This was all she'd known for so long and she didn't know what life would be like without it. It was scary to be leaving her home and she could already feel how much she'd miss it. It felt like an ending instead of a beginning. This was the last time she'd be here as a single girl, she knew it. Whatever may happen while they were away, she knew she'd return a different person. Her world was about to change in big ways and that made the moment bittersweet.
Vanessa came over and gave her a big hug, almost cracking Mai's back.
"Be careful over there, okay? I'm going to miss you in the apartment, especially your cooking and cleaning. And don't worry about Jake's family. I'm sure they'll love you as much as he does, well, as much as I do, anyways. I don't think anyone could love you as much as Jake does."
Vanessa smiled at Jake.
"Send us some postcards," she added. "If you get a chance." Vanessa backed away, looking tearful.
Mai smiled with tears in her own eyes.
"Of course. As soon as we get there, I'll mail you one. Also, I'll send you a text if that's okay with you. May get here a little quicker."
Vanessa laughed and agreed. "A text is good too."
Cat stepped forward.
"Have a great trip. I know things are going to work out great. You guys are perfect for each other and his family will easily be able to see that. Definitely send me a postcard. I'm very jealous that you're going on a trip while I'm stuck going back to school."
Mai gave her a crooked smiled.
"You'll love it, I know it. Truth is, I'm a little jealous of you going to university. If things go smoothly on the trip, maybe I'll come home and register for the winter semester."
Cat clapped her hands with glee.
"That would be awesome!"
Mai hugged Cat, then watched as both Vanessa and Cat hugged Jake before stepping back. They turned their backs for a moment, as Jake and Mai slipped the clothes they were wearing into their bags and turned into their dragon forms.
Mai cleared her throat. "We're decent now, you can turn around."
Cat and Vanessa turned to see two large dragons in front of them where Jake and Mai had been, a golden one and an azure one, smiling in the serpentine way that dragons did. The mist hid them from the outside world, but wouldn't for long, so they turned to go.
"Take care. We love you guys," Vanessa said.
"We will. Talk soon." Jake echoed Vanessa's words, before they turned and walked into the waters, disappearing into the mist on the bay.
The water was delicious against her scales as they swam through the water. Mai and Jake had kept to the deeper areas as they went through the bay, carefully avoiding any of the major shipping lanes while watching for other creatures that may be lurking. Since they both had an affinity for water, they were fairly confident that they wouldn't have any issues with threats other than human ones, but they still kept their eyes and ears open.
They swam for several hours, only breaking to rest when they felt hungry. At the last minute, they'd changed direction and decided to take the southerly route, as the idea of potentially getting trapped in icebergs and not being able to surface when they wanted to didn't appeal to either of them. Schools of fish with iridescent, glinting scales and various other curious creatures gave them a wide birth, unaccustomed to sharing the water with two dragons. They made extremely good time, as dragons didn't swim the way other sea creatures did. They could travel at almost supersonic speed if they wanted to and unless they slowed down to rest or to watch the scenery, they were potentially able to cover hundreds of miles an hour. They did take some breaks to enjoy the vast beauty of the vibrant ocean ecosystems though, so by the time they decided to rest for the night, they'd already reached the islands of the Bahamas.
They waited until clouds hid the moon over a small island to come ashore in pitch dark, using the cover of night to disguise the transition to human from prying eyes. Mai stretched out with a contented sigh after dressing as she looked over at her new fiancé. It was everything she'd never known she wanted. The love of her life, plus a warm sandy beach with palm trees and a star-speckled sky. Growing up, such freedom hadn't even been an option. Now, she was able to swim as fast as the speed of sound and manipulate water while swimming with deep sea fish. Life was so strange and awesome.
"Are you doing okay so far?" Jake asked, smiling as he looked at Mai relaxing on the beach.
She smiled back, stretching again lazily. "Never better. Well, I could be a bit better if you come over here and snuggle with me? I'm tired and ready to go to sleep."
Jake nodded and joined her. "Sure. It's still another few days until we get there. We should conserve our energy as much as possible."
They unrolled a sleeping bag and moved slightly underneath a group of palm trees with a view of the ocean and fell asleep in each other's arms.
Morning dawned in shades of glorious oranges and reds over the blue of the ocean and Mai woke up to the sound of birds flying overhead. She turned her head and saw Jake sleeping beside her. She took a moment to watch him, without him being aware. He was so handsome, she thought. Dark golden hair, just long enough to brush his cheek while not hiding his eyes, the stubble on his face from a day without shaving giving him a more rugged, pirate-like look. He often looked younger than he really was, so this both endeared him to her as well as made him look older.
She looked down his body, sighing softly. He was so strong and she felt so safe next to him. She felt a little prickle on her neck as she surveyed him and looked back up to find him watching her, his warm brown eyes twinkling with humor.
"Caught me," she whispered.
"Good morning."
His deep voice was huskier than normal and Mai found herself flushing.
"Do you see something you'd like?" He teased her, enjoying her steadily darkening color.
She backed away a little, looking around the semi-exposed area they'd picked for the night.
"What if someone sees us? It wouldn't be good if we were caught."
Jake smiled and brushed her cheek. "Don't worry. I just want a morning kiss."
Mai relaxed and leaned over to give him a short but sweet kiss.
"Did you sleep well?" She fell back on manners, feeling embarrassed and out of place again with her Victorian sensibilities.
Jake chuckled, as he raised himself up on one elbow. "I did, in fact. I've always loved sleeping under the stars, especially when the weather is perfect like it was last night. How about you?"
Mai agreed. "It's the best sleep I've had in a long time, but it could be because I was with you," she said with a smile, adding, "also, swimming 2000 miles is exhausting. Did you happen to pack any more food?"
Jake smiled and reached over to his bag, pulling out a few breakfast bars.
"It's not much, but I figured we could always stop somewhere along the way if we wanted to eat something more substantial, or catch some fish here and there. We really aren't in a rush. We could spend a few days having a vacatio
n first, if you want."
He gave a little shrug, putting the decision in her corner.
Mai looked around the tropical paradise, more beautiful than any screensaver she'd ever seen and was tempted to stay for a few days. But the idea of Jake's family intruded and her guilty conscience kicked in.
"As much as I'd love to stay here and see everything, I wouldn't feel right keeping your family waiting. I also think I'd worry about meeting them the whole time and spoil our enjoyment of any vacation here. Maybe we can stop on the way back?"
Jake smiled and leaned over to brush his nose across hers. "We've got our entire life, so there’s plenty of time to come back later. Do you want to get going now?"
Mai looked at the bar and held it up. "After I finish this. Maybe we can get there today?"
Jake shrugged."It's a possibility, but no rush. I'm just enjoying the journey."
BY THE TIME THE SUN was bright over the waves, Mai and Jake had packed all their items away and had comfortably full bellies. They slipped back into their dragon skins and dove into the water joyfully, taking a brief moment to play with a school of dolphins that had come in close to shore to check things out. They kept Mai and Jake company for a while, but fell behind when they accelerated to their dragon cruising speed. They followed the ocean currents and came up to the coast of Portugal later that night. Mai had discovered along the way that Jake was very experienced when it came to ocean travel.
Apparently, he'd been travelling the oceans for years and had been to almost every great body of water so far in his life. Sometimes with his dad, but often alone, just to explore. Prior to moving to California, Jake had been searching for his missing piece, as he'd explained during the months that they'd been together. She just hadn't realized that he literally had been searching the depths along the way. It had certainly come in handy during this trip. He knew the best places to catch an ocean current, as well as which areas to avoid. He'd even managed to show her some interesting shipwrecks along the coast of Morocco on the way north to Gibraltar. It had fascinated her, knowing that people had travelled the same route as her, but saddened her as well, knowing that so many had perished. History was interesting to her, perhaps more than to the average person, as she felt she'd been a part of it.